Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My life is so quirky right now.

So, first of all I have a really important story to tell you. Last night I was in one of the major chain grocery stores, FranPrix, and I saw a mouse scamper across the aisle right in front of me. It went under the fresh produce area. I just started cracking up in the middle of the store. It was the best thing ever.

Adorably weird things seem to be happening to me all the time now. I made small talk in French with a drunk architect while she walked to the metro station. I saw a girl dance with a boy who was on a train across the platform from her and then sign him her number. I saw a hipster roller skating (yes, on skates) like it wasn't super nerdy. Some drunk guy gave my friend a French dictionary and wrote his number in it! Life is good. There is no end of amusement for me on the streets of Paris(/Lyon).

But yeah, basically things are cute right now. I got home today and my host mom had cleaned my room. (PS, super awkward, right? I've never had this little privacy. I'm always worried that she'll judge me for reading terrible books or see the spoon I use to eat yogurt when I'm at school that I never wash or find my stash of crack cocaine.*) She had taken Iceland, my stuffed bunny who I generally hide shamefully under the bed because I am 20 years old and sometimes sleep with a rabbit, and put him under my lap blanket. Which is both nice, because I don't have to hide poor Iceland anymore, and hilarious, because she put him under the blanket.

Who's a cozy wabbit? You're a cozy wabbit! Yes you are!
 The other awesome thing in my life is actually something I initiated. We're reading The Stranger by Albert Camus in French, and the cover was kind of stupid. So I, uh... improved it.


I keep on seeing it on the metro and laughing to myself like a crazy person. I'm pretty sure no one else gets it, but come on. Mersault! In a top hat! With a cane! So yeah, that basically made my life.

And this isn't really cute or quirky or charming, but LOOK HOW MUCH YOGURT I BOUGHT. I have decided to prioritize traveling and having adventures over food in my budget, so I have invested in a few filling and nutritious staples for my lunches. I'm really excited by their giant multi-flavor packs of yogurt here. Like, really excited. I walked the mile home with 18 cups of yogurt under my arm. I felt pretty cool.

Also, this picture is deceptive. There is absolutely no light in the kitchen. Well, there's a window and one light, but the light isn't very bright to begin with, and there's a weird chimney thing or something in the middle of the kitchen, so one side has no light sources at all. The shutter speed on this was 1.3. Just saying. That's a lot for a fridge picture taken at noon.

*Just kidding. I don't smoke drugs.


  1. I love your posts- keep them coming. I hope you are having a great time. Soak up every minute.
